Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery Toronto

Make a dramatic change with Toronto's Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery. Take your profile to the next level and breathe confidence into it.

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What is a Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery?

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a "nose job," is a surgical procedure that alters the shape of the nose. This operation, which typically lasts between 1.5 to 3 hours, can be performed as an outpatient procedure. The surgery can be conducted via two primary techniques: "closed rhinoplasty," where incisions are made within the nostrils, and "open rhinoplasty," where an incision is made across the tissue between the nostrils in addition to within the nostrils. The choice of technique depends on the extent of changes required.

Rhinoplasty: One Solution for Variety of Nasal Issues.

Rhinoplasty can address a variety of nasal issues. For instance, it can rectify dips or bumps on the nose bridge, a nose that projects excessively, bulbous or asymmetrical nose tips, and nostrils that are too wide, large, or turn upward. It can also correct a nose that's proportionally too large or small for the face. Moreover, rhinoplasty can help with medical conditions such as sinus problems and nasal blockages. However, it's important to note that the surgery focuses on contours and not the quality of the skin itself, so it won't address spots, redness, and similar cosmetic issues.

Toronto's Well-Known Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery

At our premium clinic, we believe ourselves to be one of Toronto's and Mississauga's most sought-after destinations for rhinoplasty. With multiple treatments available, from surgical to non-invasive non-surgical facelifts, you're assured of an approach that respects the natural way your face ages while amplifying its beauty. Every procedure is meticulously planned and executed, reflecting your unique needs and aesthetic goals, while ensuring utmost safety and satisfaction.

Benefits of
Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery
  • Improve Breathing: One of the primary advantages of rhinoplasty is its ability to improve breathing. Structural issues within the nose, such as a deviated septum, can make it challenging to breathe through the nose. The septum, the wall dividing the nasal passages, can be crooked, causing one of the nasal passages to be unduly small. Rhinoplasty procedures often rectify these structural problems, enhancing the patient's ability to breathe.
  • Birth Defects: Rhinoplasty also plays a crucial role in correcting birth defects and fixing issues resulting from injuries. For instance, the nose, being the most prominent part of the face, is susceptible to fractures. Rhinoplasty can rectify any deformities caused by such injuries, restoring the nose's normal appearance and function. Similarly, nasal malformations caused by birth defects can be removed during a rhinoplasty procedure, improving the patient's appearance and their ability to breathe through the nose.
  • Reduce Snoring: The procedure can also aid in reducing snoring, a common issue that can disrupt sleep and strain relationships. Snoring can be caused by structural problems within the nose, such as a deviated septum, which can be corrected through rhinoplasty.
  • Improve Facial Appearance: From an aesthetic perspective, rhinoplasty can significantly enhance facial appearance. As the most noticeable part of the face, the nose can greatly influence a person's attractiveness. A well-executed rhinoplasty can result in a straight and symmetrical nose, contributing positively to a person's overall facial aesthetics.
  • Improve Your Self Confidence: the psychological benefits of rhinoplasty should not be overlooked. An unattractive or asymmetrical nose can lead to self-consciousness about one's appearance. Conversely, a successful rhinoplasty can bolster a person's confidence, leading to improved self-esteem and overall quality of life.
Before & After
Here are the methods we employ in our approach to your treatment:
  • Open rhinoplasty: In open rhinoplasty, an incision is made across the columella, the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. This gives the surgeon direct access to the underlying nasal structure.
  • Closed rhinoplasty: In closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made inside the nose. This approach is less invasive, but it can be more difficult to perform complex procedures.
  • Reshaping the nasal bones: The nasal bones can be reshaped by fracturing them and then repositioning them. This can be done to narrow the bridge of the nose, reduce the bump on the bridge of the nose, or change the projection of the nose.
  • Correcting a deviated septum: A deviated septum is a condition in which the septum, the wall that separates the two nostrils, is crooked. This can cause breathing problems. A deviated septum can be corrected by straightening the septum during rhinoplasty surgery.


How to Sleep After Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Post-operative care is crucial for a successful recovery from rhinoplasty. One key aspect of this is the patient's sleeping position. For the first several weeks after surgery, patients are advised to sleep on their backs with their heads and upper bodies elevated. This position helps decrease swelling and protects the delicate, healing tissues from damage. It is particularly important to maintain this position for about 7 – 10 days after the procedure or until cleared by the surgeon.

Is Rhinoplasty Surgery Safe?

According to medical literature, the revision rate for rhinoplasty is between 10% and 15%, indicating an 85 to 90 % success rate. However, this rate could be higher if the operation is performed by board-certified plastic surgeons specializing in this procedure.

How Do I Know If I’m Good For Nose Job Surgery?

Determining whether you're a good candidate for rhinoplasty involves several factors. Ideal candidates are generally in good health, do not have heart or lung conditions, are not pregnant or nursing, do not smoke, can abstain from alcohol consumption, and have realistic expectations about the procedure. The shape of your face, your chin position, and the width of your eyes, cheeks, and forehead also play a role in determining what kind of nose will best fit your face. A consultation with a surgical professional is necessary to evaluate your candidacy for the procedure.

How Long Until I Can See My Results After Rhinoplasty Surgery?

The timeline for seeing the final results of rhinoplasty varies among individuals. Major bruising typically subsides within 2-4 weeks, and any obvious traces of surgery should not be visible after about a month. However, the initial results of the surgery started to become apparent after week 4. It's important to note that the nose will continue to subtly heal and change shape over time. Most patients see a noticeable difference in the appearance of their noses and get an idea of what the outcome will look like around 4-6 months after their rhinoplasty, with most of the initial swelling diminished by the four-month mark. However, final results may not show until a year after surgery.

We offer Combination Therapy, Integrating Additional Treatments as Needed for Optimal Skin & Body Effectiveness.
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