IV Booster

IV Booster helps the health of the skin from inside out.

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Benefits of
IV Booster
  • Rapid Absorption: Delivers vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream, ensuring immediate and 100% absorption.
  • Enhanced Energy Levels: Helps combat fatigue by replenishing essential nutrients, leading to increased energy and vitality.
  • Immunity Boost: Provides essential vitamins and minerals that can strengthen the immune system and ward off illnesses.
  • Detoxification: Aids in flushing out toxins from the body, promoting better liver function and overall health.
  • Customizable Formulations: These can be tailored to individual health needs or deficiencies, ensuring optimal wellness benefits.
Before & After
Here are the methods we employ in our approach to your treatment:
  • Drip Method: Nutrients are mixed in a saline solution and administered slowly over a period, typically ranging from 20 minutes to an hour.
  • Push Method: A more concentrated dose of nutrients is given over a shorter duration, usually in about 10-15 minutes.
  • Direct Injection: Certain vitamins, like B12, can be administered directly as a quick intramuscular shot.
  • Tailored Cocktails: Formulations can be adjusted based on a patient’s specific needs, whether that's for athletic performance, immunity, or overall wellness.


What is IV Booster?

IV Boosters are intravenous drip nutrition, and an excellent approach to saturate your system with skin-loving antioxidants. Glutathione and Vitamin C work together to brighten the skin and battle free radicals that cause damage.

Is it the right treatment for me?

The treatment is for anyone of all ages and sexes. You can visit us at Premium Clinic, and we will make sure to understand your needs before starting the treatment.

Is it safe?

IV Boosters are generally safe for everyone. A small tingling is felt only when the needle touches the skin.

How long is the recovery time?

There is no downtime required.

We offer Combination Therapy, Integrating Additional Treatments as Needed for Optimal Skin & Body Effectiveness.
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