Everything you need to Know About Microneedling Treatment

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December 20, 2023
Reza Ghalamghash MA. PhD. DOMP.

What is a Microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses tiny needles to puncture the skin. The procedure can help reduce the appearance of skin concerns such as acne scars, dark spots, large pores, uneven skin tone and texture, sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. The damage caused by the needles helps stimulate the skin's healing process, so it produces more collagen and elastin, which keep the skin firm and smooth.

How Microneedling Works?

Microneedling is performed using a handheld, drum- or pen-shaped device, electrically powered, with tiny needles that make precise, microscopic punctures in the skin. These “micro-injuries” do not leave scars, they work by helping to stimulate the skin to repair itself naturally through a process called dermal remodeling. The needles create tiny holes in the skin, which allow for better absorption of topical products, such as serums and active ingredients.

How to Prepare for Microneedling?

To prepare for microneedling treatment, it is important to follow certain guidelines to ensure optimal results and minimize any potential risks. Here are some steps to consider when preparing for a Microneedling procedure:

  • Consultation: Before undergoing Microneedling, schedule a consultation with our experts. During this consultation, our specialists will examine your skin, review your health history, and discuss your goals for the procedure. 
  • Avoid Sun Exposure: It is recommended to avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning beds for at least a week before the procedure. Sunburned or tanned skin can be more sensitive and prone to complications during Microneedling.
  • Discontinue Certain Products: Stop using any topical products that contain retinoids, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) for a few days before the procedure.
  • Avoid Blood Thinners: If you are taking any blood-thinning medications or supplements, consult with your healthcare provider about whether you should temporarily discontinue them prior to the procedure. Blood thinners can increase the risk of bruising and bleeding during Microneedling.
  • Cleanse the Skin: On the day of the procedure, cleanse your skin thoroughly to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup. 
  • Numbing Cream: Depending on your pain tolerance and the recommendation of your healthcare provider, a numbing cream may be applied to the treatment area before the procedure to minimize discomfort.

How Long Does Microneedling Take?

Generally, the Microneedling process ranges from 10 to 60minutes, contingent upon the treatment area's size. Microneedling the face may last 10-15 minutes, whereas larger body sections may take longer.

Who is Most Suitable for Microneedling Treatment?

Though Microneedling is safe for most, here are some guidelines for potential candidates:

  • Individuals in good overall health.
  • Those at varying stages of their lives.
  • People with concerns like acne scars, chickenpox scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and     stretch marks.
  • Those with acne, infections, or wound-healing issues might need to reconsider.

How Much Does Microneedling Cost?

Prices fluctuate between $200 to $800 per session. Factors influencing costs include the treatment area size, the number of sessions, andthe professional's rates.

What Risks Microneedling Involve?

Despite being largely safe and effective, Microneedling poses some risks:

  • Skin irritation, including redness, swelling, and bruising.
  • Potential bacterial infection if the equipment isn't sterilized.
  • Possible skin damage, allergic reactions, and cold sore flare-ups.

What are the Non-Surgical Microneedling Alternatives?

There are several non-surgical Microneedling alternatives available that can provide similar results without the use of needles.

  • Thermage: A non-invasive skin tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin.
  • Potenza: Potenza is a radiofrequency Microneedling treatment that uses ultrafine needles to deliver heat energy to the skin, promoting collagen production and skin rejuvenation.
  • PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Facial: A non-surgical treatment that uses the patient's own blood to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the skin.
  • SculpSure: A non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses laser energy to destroy fat cells and tighten the skin.

What to Expect After Microneedling?

After Microneedling, it is normal to experience some side effects, but they usually go away within a few days to a week. 

  • Skin Irritation: The most common side effect of Microneedling is skin irritation, which can include redness, swelling, and discomfort at the site of the treatment.
  • Minor Bleeding: It is possible to experience minor bleeding during the procedure, but it usually stops quickly.
  • Dryness & Peeling: After Microneedling, the skin may feel dry and start to peel. This is a normal part of the healing process and should go away within a few days.
  • Sun Sensitivity: After Microneedling, the skin may be more sensitive to the sun. It is important to avoid direct sun exposure and wear sunscreen to protect the skin.

What is the Microneedling Recovery and Timeline?

After Microneedling, the recovery process typically takes about 5-7 days. Here is a general timeline of what to expect during the Microneedling recovery process.

Day 1-2:

- Most of the visible recovery from Microneedling happens during the first day or two after the treatment.

- Redness, swelling, and skin sensitivity are common during this time.

- You may experience dryness and skin flaking.

- It is important to avoid touching or picking at the treated area to prevent infection and promote proper healing.

Day 3-5:

- Redness and swelling should start to subside.

- Skin sensitivity may decrease.

- Any dryness or flaking may continue to improve.

- You may start to notice improvements in the texture and appearance of your skin as it begins to heal and rejuvenate.

Day 7 and beyond:

- By the end of the first week, most of the visible side effects should have been resolved.

- Your skin should start to return to its normal state, with minimal redness and swelling.

- You can typically resume your normal daily activities and skincare routine.

- It's important to continue protecting your skin from the sun by using sunscreen and avoiding excessive sun exposure.


Is Micro needing Painful?

Microneedling is not a painful procedure, but it can be uncomfortable, especially for patients who are afraid of needles. Microneedling uses tiny needles to create punctures in the dermis, which encourages the body to produce more collagen and elastin, resulting in younger and smoother-looking skin.

Why does my skin look worse after Microneedling?

Sometimes skin can look slightly swollen after Microneedling. This is due to the natural and mechanical injury of the treatment. The degree of swelling (if any) will depend on skin sensitivity and the aggressiveness of the treatment. When swelling does occur, it is subtle and subsides in about three days.

How often do you need micro-needling?

Microneedling works by making your skin repair itself from tiny injuries. You should wait at least 4 to 6 weeks before doing it again soy our skin can fully heal.

Does my face peel after Microneedling?

Microneedling is a procedure that creates tiny punctures in the skin. The goal is for the skin to respond to minor injuries by producing new collagen-rich tissue. It is typical for the skin to peel within a few days of Microneedling treatment.

What not to do after Microneedling?

Do not scrub, rub, or use exfoliants for one week. Apply sunscreen daily, and you can use makeup if needed starting the day aftertreatment.

Is Microneedling safe for Older skin?

RF Microneedling is suitable for all skin types and colors, including dark, delicate, and sensitive skin.

What foods should I avoid after Microneedling?

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high-sugar foods, refined carbohydrates, spicy foods, and cigarettes 24-48 hours before and after your treatment.

Can I put makeup on after Microneedling?

It is common to experience minor redness and sensitivity immediately after Microneedling. While it may be tempting to cover any redness with makeup, it is important to avoid applying anything to the face exceptsunscreen. We recommend waiting 24 to 48 hours before applying makeup.

Should you drink a lot of water after Microneedling?

It is important to stay hydrated after Microneedling because water is essential for collagen production.

What is the best way to recover from Microneedling?

To help your skin recover faster and look better, you should avoid anything that could harm it, get a good night's sleep, and eat a healthy diet.

Can I put retinol after Microneedling?

It's advisable to use retinol products because they enhance the outcomes of Microneedling. However, wait at least 48 hours after the procedure before applying them.

Why not exercise after Microneedling?

After Microneedling, it's best to skip activities that make you sweat a lot, like heavy exercise, hot yoga, or using saunas, for 24 to 48hours.

Are Microneedling results immediate?

Right after your Microneedling session, you'll begin to see some skin tightening. However, for deeper skin problems like scars, pronounced wrinkles, or dark spots, you might need several treatments to see noticeable changes. Typically, the best results show up around 4 to 6 weeks later.