Can You Clean Your Clogged Nose After Rhinoplasty Treatment?

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December 20, 2023
Reza Ghalamghash MA. PhD. DOMP.
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Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is not just about altering your nose's appearance; it's a journey involving careful post-operative care, especially when it comes to cleaning your nose. Let's explore how you can do this safely and effectively.

How to Clean Your Clogged Nose After Rhinoplasty?

Importance of Gentle Cleaning

After the rhinoplasty procedure, your nose is in a delicate state, healing and reshaping. It's crucial to clean your nose gently to avoid disrupting this healing process. Aggressive cleaning can harm the tissues, affecting the surgery's outcome.

Saline Rinse:

Starting 24 hours post-surgery, a saline rinse becomes your best companion. It's simple: mix 1/4 teaspoon of table salt with 8 ounces of lukewarm water or get a pre-made solution from a pharmacy. Using a neti pot or a nasal spray, gently wash out your nasal passages. This helps keep your nose moist, clears mucus, and minimizes infection risks.

Q-tip and Hydrogen Peroxide: Handle with Care

In the initial days post-surgery, you might see dried blood or mucus. Here, a Q-tip dipped in diluted hydrogen peroxide (mix equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water) comes in handy. But remember, be gentle and don't probe too deep.

Avoid Nose-Blowing and Touching

For at least two weeks, avoid blowing your nose. It might dislodge scabs or cause bleeding. If you need to sneeze, do it with your mouth open and gently. Also, resist the urge to touch or rub your nose.

Keep the Air Moist

Using a humidifier can add moisture to the air, helping keep your nasal passages from drying out. This is especially helpful in the first few weeks after surgery.

Follow Your Surgeon's Advice

Your surgeon knows best. They will give you specific instructions tailored to your surgery and recovery. Adhering to these guidelines is key to a smooth recovery. Consult

General Tips for Nose Cleaning

• Pressure Is a No-Go: When washing your face and nose, avoid any pressure. Don't poke around inside your nostrils.

• Q-Tip Technique: Use a Q-Tip with hydrogen peroxide, but only after any packing is removed. Gently clean without applying force.

• Handling Blockages: If there's a crust around your nostrils, use a wet towel to gently pat the area. Don't scrape or wipe harshly.

• Saline Rinses for Congestion: Use a saline solution to clear any congestion. Avoid inserting fingers or objects into your nose.


Cleaning your nose after rhinoplasty is essential but must be done with utmost care. Saline rinses, gentle cleaning methods, avoiding pressure, and following your surgeon's instructions will ensure a safe and smooth recovery, leading to the best possible outcome from your rhinoplasty. Remember, the key is gentleness and patience.

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