Belkyra Vs Ultherapy: Which is Best for Double Chin?

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December 20, 2023
Reza Ghalamghash MA. PhD. DOMP.
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Double chin, also known as submental fullness, is a common cosmetic concern among many individuals. There are a variety of cosmetic treatments available to address this issue. With Belkyra and Ultherapy being two prominent options. Both treatments come with their own sets of benefits and considerations, so which one is right for you? Let’s get started.

Which is a Better Treatment for Double Chin: Ultherapy or Belkyra?

In the contemporary age of cosmetic advancements, people who are looking to reduce the appearance of a double chin without going under the knife have viable options. Among the top choices are Belkyra and Ultherapy. Both of these treatments are non-surgical, but they have distinct mechanisms of action and varied outcomes.

Belkyra which is also known as (Kybella), is an injectable treatment designed to remove fat cells under the chin. Once injected, the medication breaks down these fat cells which the body then gradually absorbs. Being FDA-approved for addressing submental fullness, its results become apparent over a span of weeks to months.

On the other side, Ultherapy is a pioneering treatment harnessing the power of ultrasound energy. This energy, directed towards the deeper skin layers, triggers the production of collagen and elastin, proteins responsible for maintaining the skin's suppleness and strength. Although it tightens the skin, Ultherapy does not directly deal with fat cells.

So, the choice comes down to one's specific needs. For those who primarily wish to remove excess fat, Belkyra proves to be an excellent choice. However, if skin sagging under the chin is also a concern, Ultherapy might offer a comprehensive solution.

What is the Difference Between Belkyra and Ultherapy?

Belkyra and Ultherapy are both treatments for addressing submental fullness, or a double chin. Here's a detailed difference.


• Utilizes Deoxycholic acid injections to disintegrate fatty tissue beneath the chin.

• Exclusively designed for fat reduction in the chin area.

• Enhances the chin's profile and contour by diminishing fat.


• A non-invasive procedure that employs ultrasound energy for tightening sagging skin.

• Focuses predominantly on skin firmness and toning.

• Elevates and tightens saggy skin around the lower face, including the chin.

• Amplifies the jawline and chin appearance by inducing collagen production.

What is the Cost Difference Between Belkyra and Ultherapy?

The cost of Belkyra and Ultherapy can vary depending on the practitioner, location, and extent of the treatment. Generally, Ultherapy tends to be more expensive per treatment than Belkyra, although the long-lasting results of Ultherapy can make it a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Belkyra: Typically, the cost for a Belkyra session ranges from $1,200 to $1,800. The overall cost depends on the number of sessions required, contingent on the severity of the double chin.

Ultherapy: Ultherapy usually comes with a heavy price tag, costing anywhere from $1,500 to $4,000 for a single session. However, its lasting results might make it a more economical choice over time, with the price varying based on the specific treatment area and its complexity.

How Many Sessions of Belkyra or Ultherapy are Typically Needed for Optimal Results?

Both Belkyra and Ultherapy require multiple sessions for the best results. The number of sessions depends largely on the individual's unique needs and the severity of their double chin.

For Belkyra, the treatment involves injecting a solution that targets and destroys fat cells under the chin. Most individuals need between 3 to 6 sessions spaced about a month apart to achieve the desired reduction in fat.

On the other hand, Ultherapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin. Patients often need multiple sessions of this treatment to get the optimal lift and contouring effect, though the exact number can vary.

Are there any Age Restrictions for Getting Belkyra or Ultherapy Treatments?

Yes, there are specific age restrictions associated with both treatments:

Belkyra: This treatment is FDA-approved for adults who are 18 years of age and older.

Ultherapy: The FDA has approved this treatment for individuals who are 22 years and older.

However, meeting the age requirement is just the first step. It's essential to remember that every individual is unique, and while you might fall within the age restriction, other factors might determine your suitability for the procedure. Always ensure you are in good overall health and maintain realistic expectations. Additionally, disclose any other medical conditions you might have to your healthcare professional, as they could affect your treatment eligibility.

Is Ultherapy Better Than Belkyra?

Deciding between Ultherapy and Belkyra primarily boils down to what you're hoping to achieve with the treatment.

If your main concern is sagging or loose skin around the chin and neck area, Ultherapy might be the preferable choice. It's designed to lift and tighten the skin, making it firmer and more youthful looking.

On the other hand, if you're more troubled by the presence of excess fat under your chin, then Belkyra might be the way to go. Its main function is to target and eliminate these fat cells, providing a more contoured chin appearance.

However, it's worth noting that for some individuals, a combination of both treatments might be ideal. This combination approach can address both sagging skin and excess fat simultaneously, offering a more comprehensive solution to the double chin concern.

It's vital to consult with a medical professional specializing in these treatments. They can provide personalized advice based on your unique needs and the results you're aiming to achieve.

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