06 Compelling Reasons to Use BELKYRA to Reduce Chin Fat Naturally

Latest News
December 20, 2023
Reza Ghalamghash MA. PhD. DOMP.
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Do you ever feel that the excess chin fat or that pesky double chin makes you look older or heavier than you are? Fret not, because many share your sentiment. The chin can be a notorious area, resistant to weight loss and often the culprit of self-consciousness. Not so long ago, people felt they had no choice but to turn to expensive, invasive surgeries. However, now there's an answer from the Premium Clinic – a non-surgical and natural way to regain your confidence. Let's step into the 06 compelling reasons why you might consider this treatment.

Reasons to Use Belkyra To Reduce Double Chin Naturally

Natural Treatment

The treatment provided by Premium Clinic uses your body's inherent mechanisms to target chin fat. It employs deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in our bodies that helps in digesting and absorbing fat. When injected into the chin's fat deposit, this acid gets to work breaking down fat cells. Over the subsequent weeks, your body gradually absorbs this released fat.

Quick Treatment

Time is of the essence, and this treatment respects that. Once you’ve had a 30-minute initial assessment, each treatment is concise, involving swift injections that take only minutes. The specific dose and number of treatments vary based on individual needs, but most patients only require two to four sessions. It's truly amazing how positive changes can occur in as little as four to six weeks.

Manageable and Painless

No one wants to endure pain for beauty. Thankfully, Belkyra treatment is non-invasive and predominantly pain-free. Some might experience slight stinging, itching, or redness during the injection, but a bit of ice can quickly alleviate these minor discomforts.

Minimum Side Effects

Any side effects noted by patients are mostly mild and manageable. While a handful of patients might notice some inflammation, redness, or itchiness, these symptoms are fleeting. Most effects dissipate within two to four weeks after the treatment, allowing you to continue your daily routine without significant disruption.

Long-Lasting Results

The beauty of this treatment lies not just in its immediate effects but also in its long-lasting results. After the injections, those stubborn fat cells disappear for good, leaving a beautifully contoured and youthful jawline that lasts.

Belkyra Embraces with Other Treatments

For those who've either considered or have already undergone other beauty treatments for the neck region, this treatment makes a complementary addition. Whether it's skin tightening, dynamic line treatment, or jaw contouring with fillers, this chin fat reduction treatment seamlessly integrates, enhancing your overall results.


The Premium Clinic is excited to offer this belkyra chin fat reduction treatment. Whether you're struggling with a persistent double chin despite weight loss or just seeking enhanced confidence, this treatment promises a rejuvenated, happier, and self-assured you.

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